Thomas Werner Schmidt
Managing Director, Senior Project Manager, Assigned QS/GMP-Manager

Basis: Technical training at Siemens
Professional History: Heinrich-Hertz-Institute (Fraunhofer Institut für Neue Technologien), Berlin; 1985-1996 technical manager at Ultra Tube GmbH in Berlin; 1996-2001 sales and marketing manager at Dräger Tescom GmbH; 2001-2003 General manager at the german subsidiary of the american company Kinetics; 2003 Q-Cells AG in Thalheim; April 2004 Change to the Board of Directors of Q-Cells AG (responsible for production, QM, safety and technical services); under his management, Q-Cells build a capacity of over 600 MWp; 2007 to 2008 operative organisation for the CSG AG (an early wafer-technology holding of Q-Cells SE).
Recently: Thomas Schmidt has been working as an independent consultant since may 2008; December 2008: founding of the consulting company TST-C (specializing in cell-production companies); founder, CEO, shareholder of TST-C; June 2013: refounding Thomas Schmidt Consultants GmbH Services and Consulting for the pharmaceutical and biotechnological Industry.
Further Qualifications BioPharm:
Modern filling praxis course at Bausch + Ströbe Modern filling praxis course at Bausch + Ströbel October 14
Training and certificate as assigned QS/GMP Manager Block I, Mai 2014, Block II June 2014
GMP in High Purity piping installation Training, July 2013
FDA-compliant Engineering Seminar, February 2002
Cost optimised Pharma Factories Seminar, January 2001
Further Qualifications Management & Projects:
Lean Construction Training and Workshop, 2019
Maintenance success control training, March 2007
Law traps for technical management seminar, January 2007
5 modules business coaching, 2006 until 2007
Project contracts training, September 2002
Training as expert for pressure vessels according German Druckbehälter-Verord. 2004 &1992
Co-Author for the part media supply systems of the LCS-compendium „Planning, furniture and facilities for laboratories“
Michael Geißlinger

Basis: Certified GMP-Expert & Internal Auditor
Magister Artium (M.A.) Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg
Professional History: GMP-Manager for reorganisation projects in pharmaceutical and biotechnological industry
2012-2015 Project manager for development and organisation of photographical documentation of depot, incoming and outgoing goods
2008-2012/2015-2020 Project manager archaeology
excavations, scientific research and analysis, documentation
Recently: since June 2021 Michael Geißlinger has been with Thomas Schmidt Consultants, working as an expert in GMP-Documentation, Qualification and Validation
Ingo Neulist
Project and Technology Manager

Basis: Engineer in microsystem technology with a background in construction
Professional History: Project Manager in pharmaceutical and biotechnological projects
Ingo Neulist has been working in the photovoltaics industry since 2006; at Q-Cells, responsible for the development and improvement of facilities and processes for wafer and solar cell production (project engineer in planning and erection of factories and their ramp-up); at Q-Cells he was lastly department head of engineering, responsible for processes and wafer factory facilities.
Recently: At TST-C, technological consulting; since July 2013, Ingo Neulist has been with Thomas Schmidt Consultants, working as an expert in planning and building of new production lines.